Forms for DENICdirect customers
If your domain is administered by the Service DENICdirect, use the forms below to transmit your domain management requests.
(If your domain is administered by one of our members, please contact your provider if you have any questions about domain management. They will be happy to help.)
Registering a Domain
(For DENICdirect customers only)
Please use this form to order DENICdirect to register a domain for you. Please return the fully completed first four pages of this document to the address indicated in the form, signed with a legally binding signature.
Please note that DENIC will not store the completed document. We therefore recommend that you keep a copy for your files.
Changing the Domain Data (Update)
(For DENICdirect customers only)
Please use this form to update your domain data.
Setting a Provider Transfer Password (AuthInfo)
(For DENICdirect customers only)
To ensure that your password is set correctly, we strongly recommend to fill in this form by computer, so that it is easily legible.
Transfer to DENICdirect
Please send us this form to request to transfer the administration of your domain from your current provider to our service DENICdirect.
Deleting a Domain
(Exclusively for DENICdirect customers)
Domain holders whose domain is not administered by DENICdirect must request domain deletion directly at their provider.